Monthly Archives: November 2013

We’re soliciting contributions


I and, I imagine, others would be interested to read contributions to the list about the post-retirement lives of others.  I do hope you will contribute such.
As for me, I retired nearly seven years ago (because of my age) and moved from California to Chicago, partly for family reasons and partly because I missed living in a real city (I grew up in London).  My connections with libraries and librarianship​ are growing ever more tenuous and I find both increasingly unrecognisable.  I spent the first two years plus of retirement writing a memoir, which was published to widespread apathy, and have done a number of articles about books and literature since.  I do not, necessarily, prefer being retired to working, though I do not miss the endless dreary meetings that, I am sure, took years from my life to no good purpose.  Just a different stage of life.
Best wishes, Michael Gorman.

Category: Uncategorized


The Retired Members Round Table (RMRT) focuses on maintaining relationships and networking among members— either retired or in late career stages. RMRT provides members with an avenue to stay active during retirement and contribute to an organization that many were meaningfully involved in before retirement.  RMRTmembers come from all types of libraries and all forms of library services.  But we all share the conviction that we are lifelong librarians.

This blog is for members who want to share their career experiences or talk about their current activities or otherwise share their wisdom and perspectives.

Carolyn Caywood, RMRT president

Category: Uncategorized